Saturday, 27 January 2007


I really love the night sky. As a kid, I loved to read up about all the planets, constellations and other galactic wonders. I thought my grandma's telescope was the coolest thing ever, even if I still can't work out how to use it. Even now, when I'm coming home late at night, I pause as I step out of my car to appreciate the view our streetlight-lacking road gives of the night sky. Admittedly, I can only pick out the Saucepan, the Southern Cross and Venus.

On Wednesday I had the privilege of seeing comet McNaught! Stoz and I rugged up and headed out to a hill I didn't even know existed. There we watched the sunset, and eavesdropped on wise old Uncle John (some stranger, among many, viewing the comet with his family) explaining how to find it. Before nine thirty, it was visible, and by ten it was beautifully clear. It wasn't as bright as on previous nights, but it was still spectacular. Ironically, the photo I've posted here was taken in Frankston.


Achi Myachi said...

we so need to go to Pinnaroo and do this ;) (for those who don't know, Pinnaroo doesn't have street lights)

Stoz said...

I agree, it was a really beautiful sight. It's still out there in the sky, I even saw it last night, but as the moon gets brighter it is harder and harder to see.

I too find it ironic that the photo you have used was taken from the suburb my parents live in. Perhaps we should have driven down there for a better view? ;-)