Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Fifth week everything-due-ness

Isn't that always the way?

From Monday of this week to Wednesday of next, I have/had 5-6 assignments!
Monday: Lit presentation.
Tuesday: German assignment (written and oral components)
Saturday: Methodology presention.
Monday: Lit presentation write-up.
Tuesday: Indonesian Grammar Jounral draft.
Wednesday: ENS essay (still haven't started!).

Not to mention Odyssey and Explorers meetings - how do they always manage to conincide like this?

I hope your due-ness is more spread out, and if not, happy cramming!

1 comment:

Stoz said...

I really know the feeling. Usually the different things I'm involved in are all quite manageable, but when they happen to all fall on one week and 'everything is due', it can become really stressful.