Sticky tape is one of the most useful inventions. Car parts, electrical cords, crafts, school projects, emergency home renovations... It holds everything together.
Recently, I was the one being held together with tape! My physio taped the offending part of my back (I think it's a rib), and I'm amazed at how effective it was! I felt like one of those athletic people with strapped knees, ankles or shoulders. I'd never quite understood why people would continue to play such physically endangering sporting activities, when the respective body parts are obviously already under much stress and/or injured. But it's an amazing science! How the humble sticky tape holds us together I don't quite know, but I could breathe properly for the first time in a week!
What's the most important thing sticky tape is holding together in your life?
That's one of my all time favourite quotes that you opened with, I love it!
I would say that my mouse pad is held to my desk with stick tape, the network cable going to craig's room is held together with electrical tape, and at work we use gaffa tape (aka cloth tape) to hold the cable for our webcam to the wall. All important jobs!
...my car roof and glove box were once held up with tape.
my life
Nobody said *I* was the most important thing in their life held together with tape... :P
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