Tuesday 29 May 2007

Been there before

Hello, readers!

Last night was exactly two weeks shy of 4 years since I went up to the hospital complaining of chest pains. The significance? I did that again last night, on my poor mother's birthday. The conclusions? "Just take some Nurofen..."

So, where are we at now?
1. Visit my GP - try Panadol.
2. Make a trip to casualty.
3. Have an ECG.
4. Have an x-ray of my lungs.
5. Visit GP again.
6. Visit a cardio specialist.
7. Have an echo-cardiogram (like an ultrasound...)
8. Call an ambulance from New South Wales (honestly, Dad!).
9. Visit GP again - try Brufen.
10. Visit an osteopath.
11. Have an x-ray of my spine.
12. Visit orthopedic surgeon about possible scoliosis.
13. Visit physiotherapist - referred to clinical pilates.
14. Have another x-ray of my spine - look for missing vertebra.
15. Make a trip to casualty, clots ruled out.
16. Visit GP again - try Voltaren.
17. Visit same orthopedic surgeon about vertebra issue (tomorrow).

Do you think I'll ever figure it out???

1 comment:

Stoz said...

I really hope you'll find the answer. It seems like it's been going on for ages though.